Monthly Archives: March 2019

Turn your jewellery into short term loans!

Times When You Need Cash Fast

Times When You Need Cash Fast

Unexpected things happen everyday which create times when you need cash fast. Flat tyres, sudden engine troubles upon your car/primary mode of transport that end up being unaffordable expensive but essential for travelling to and from work; fridges, washing machines and other everyday use household appliances stop working and cause inefficiency and pressure within the family home. And that’s not too mention unexpected illness and the costs that can be incurred through doctors fees and prescription medicines – the list really is endless and can be a great stress for you and your family. And to add to pressures, these scenarios tend to occur at times when you’ve planned your bills, and when the unexpected expenses are combined then bring on a stretch that is too much to handle.

The sudden onset of financial difficulties can be due to may reasons:
  • A flat tyre/s
  • Sudden engine/car troubles
  • The breaking of everyday use household appliances e.g. fridges, washing machines and other essential
  • Unexpected illness in the family home and the added costs that can be incurred through doctors fees and prescription medicines
  • Unexpected illness of a family member afar requiring urgent travel
  • Unanticipated Birthdays and celebratory occasions
  • And many more scenarios.
Gold Coast Jewellery Loans Pawn Brokers Can Help

If something happens to you and you find yourself in need of extra money or finance fast, our pawn broker and secured loans division are here to help. For secured loans it’s as simple as bringing your security items to one of our friendly staff at our Gold Coast Jewellery Loans location. Some jewellery items might include rings, earrings, bracelets and chains; but we also loan against cars, boats, watches and technological goods too. Once your item has been assessed and valued and we’ve completed the checks (And remember, we don’t care about your past – we want to work with you to create a better future), then we’ll provide you with the best amount that we can and have the money with you fast, so you can get back to the things that you need to.